A dark winter with a promising spring….

I haven’t updated on life or writing circumstances for a long time. I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath and sit down to compose a blog post to tell you about my life. The winter of 2012 and 2013 sucked all across the prairies. It was a Sinclair Ross winter. It was a […]

Memorable non-fiction of 2012

Usually I seem to read about half and half fiction and non-fiction. For some reason, non-fiction took over strongly during the summer and I was reading a ton of non-fiction.   In no particular order,   1. Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck- I loved this book so much. Loved Steinbeck’s travels across America, writing […]

Memorable fiction of 2012

For a while, I wasn’t even going to do a top reads list for this year. I changed my mind  after several people told me that they were looking forward to seeing what I picked. I read 177 books in 2012, down about 20 books from 2011. When I look back at my list, I’msurprised […]